Sunday, November 19, 2006

Peggle Bike (Definition and Discussion)

One of readers/commenter recently indicated that he/she was unfamiliar with a peggle bike and would have to look up what one is. Unless one goes through our archives this will not likely be an easy task, because as far as I know the term originated here.

For those of you who have somehow forgotten what a peggle bike is, or started reading this blog after the definition was posted, it might be defined as a normal bike with the noticeable absence of at least one peddle. Instead of a proper pedal the rider uses a metal peg instead to propel the bike, hence the term peggle bike.

My peggle bike has only one peg, implying that there is also one pedal. In my case, I don’t think that I could safely ride the bike without that one peddles. This may be in part due to the diminished capacity of my bakes.

Note: If one searches for “peggle bike” in Google they will find that Montifax leads the way in use of the term (we are actually the only site returned). Any questions in terms of usage of this phrase should be directed to Montifax, we don’t want a good term like this to be miss-used right of the bat.