Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Anudder night at da Rose and Thistle

So me and da b’ys was down to da Rose and Thistle for anudder crack at da trivia championship. We was all down dere a few before da event because dere has been some load a people some a dhese weeks. Anyways, me an de b’ys was dere and ready to go but we were practically de only ones dhere.

So we sits around for a while, me drinking beer and Peter on da Strongbow, when da missus gets up and starts ta giv’er. B’y, she laces into dem questions some good.

We does OK on da first one, I guesses dad she’s talking about da buddy dat made Coke (and we finds out dat she is when we corrects de quiz). Anyways, when we gets to da second questions we gets smoked. Da missus has da gall to ask da name of da group dat wrote de song for CSI. Like I knows dat. Jaysus, me and da b’ys don’t watch TV (we spends our time on da hinternet).

So over da next few questions da missus goes on givin’er, some of dem we knows, oddurs we got no clue.

By da time me beers’ gone she’s done wit da first fi’teen. We sits dere, me and da b’ys, trying to tink about CSI and I keeps saying da Pretenders, but da b’ys says she’s an group den dat, so I says da Monkees, and den de b’ys says dat dey plays dere own instruments. Wit out da words da b’ys is telling me to screw off, so I goes back to da Pretenders (da b’ys can screw off demselves).

When da missus gets back up dere and gets going it don’t take no time for her to get all dem questions out. B’y, I starts ta wonder how she makes it seem so fast, b’y she flys.

All of a sudden she’s getting on wit some question about Europe and da ‘masses.’ B’y, I got no idea what she’s getting on wit, but I goes and says ‘Hitler.’ One a da b’ys jumps in and says “b’ys, don’t forget Uncle Joe” so we goes and writes dat down. De oddur b’y says he likes Hitler (not like dat, but for da answer). In da end we goes wit Stalin cause a touch a da socialism never went astray.

Da missus kills off da night wit da final few questions and we goes on to da correcting part of da night. Soon enough we sees that we did pretty well, dough we made a mistake or two. We learns dat it wasn’t Fleetwood Mac or da Pretenders, or even da Monkees dat wrote da CSI song, but instead da frigging Who, jaysus. Soon enough we gets to da questions about da masses and learns da we shudda gon wit da gut (Hitler dat is) cause it wasn’t Stalin dat done said da thing about the masses.

When we gets to da end we sees da we were after gettin’ 25. So as da point count down nears us we starts ta get excited. B’ys, its been some long time since we won (were due). Anyway, when da missus shouts out 26 and da team at da bar shouts and hollers all I can tink of is dat bastard Stalin, infectin minds, making people tink he said stuff he didn’t. Me fist come down on da table and we goes.

Next week me and da by’s is gonna win, we deserves it.


Anonymous said...

The Who.

Anonymous said...

Pop culture is very popular.