Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Free mug

A few weeks ago I signed up for a free mug promotion that was being conducted by the Canadian branch of HarperCollins. As I recall, one didn't have to do more than provide an address to qualify for the offer.

Just a few moments ago my mug was delivered (intact and in working order) And instead of having the mug delivered by regular post, the good folks at HarperCollins had the mug couriered to me.

After opening the package I learned that I was one of two-thousand recipients to be sent such a mug, all of which were, presumably, couriered.

Given that this mug isn't tied to a larger promotion or even a particular item or service provided by the company I am quite surprised that HarperCollins would go to the trouble and expense of couriering thousands of mugs across Canada. I have to imagine that each mug cost a few dollars to produce and ship meaning that the overal program cost several thousand dollars. For their sakes I hope that the good will that they have generated from this program was worth the $10 000 or so that the program likely cost.


Anonymous said...

Now you know why Harper Collins has special Canadian pricing (when you always thought previously that it was based on currency exchange).

Cameron said...

I knew it wasn't currency exchange, but this may, nonetheless, explain the special pricing issue in Canada.