Saturday, June 09, 2012

A Few Quick Notes 580

-For the past few days we've had close to perfect weather until the evening when, all of a sudden, we've had the pleasure of experiencing brief, but torrential, downpours.  Assuming today's forecast holds we should be in for something similar this evening.

-No matter how many dishes I do every day it seems I am never more than 30 seconds away from a half-sink full of dishes.  How is this possible?

-I just made a batch of pumpkin bran muffins for breakfast.  Because I didn't have quite enough pumpkin puree on hand they aren't quite as tasty as I had hoped they would be.

-Last night Jeannette's brother Alex spent the night with us.  After we had dinner we walked around the downtown area a little to see the sites.  As we neared Parliament Hill we could sense that something was up because we could hear something in the distance.  As we drew nearer we could see that 'what was up' was that an A/V presentation was being projected on the centre block building.

This weird animated gif may give you a very limited sense of what was going on.  Eventually Jeannette figure out that what were watching was the Mosaika: Sound and Light Show.  We ended up staying until the show ended a few minutes later.

(Maybe this photo will help paint a slightly better picture of what was going on.)

-So our plants seem to keep on growing.

When I posted a photo of our balcony plants about a week ago they were this big.

Even though it's only a week later many of the plants have put on a few inches or, at least filled out a little.

Talk about exciting.

-Despite the fact that my family seems to think I working from an absurd premise with my wheat plants, these little guys continue to put on a few inches every few days.  Apparently they aren't allowing the criticism to stunt their growth.

Check'em out now!

We'll definitely have enough for a 1/4 loaf of bread in a few months.

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