Thursday, June 14, 2012

The vote-a-thon really is just voting

So last night I broke down and went to the House of Commons vote-a-thon.

I arrived at about 11:00 PM, just in time to catch the reading of the last 200 motions.

Much to my surprise, at about midnight Harper and the rest of the front benches showed up.

Voice voting started shortly afterwards.

They then rang the bells for 30 minutes before starting the roll call votes.

From then on it was just roll call vote after roll call vote.

I called it a night just before two and about 7 votes.

It's still ongoing, if you're interested or if you don't believe me that they really are doing about 24 hours of straight roll call votes.  Oh, and it's about as boring/absolutely fascinating as you would expect it to be (kind of reminds me of watching the GG's door in December 2008, or OJ's white Bronco in the nineties).

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