Friday, June 01, 2012

A Few Quick Notes 579

-After a few days of temperatures over 30, we've now returned to much more pleasant temperatures.  Even though it's about 14 and overcast at the moment I am not inclined to complain.

-Our local raccoon made a particularly early appearance yesterday afternoon.  By my calculations he was out rummaging around through construction debris before 5:00 PM, which seems early for an animal that's supposed to be nocturnal.

-Thanks to some recent sun our balcony garden is finally starting to look as though it might turn out quite well.  Over the past few days the bean, tomato, and pepper plants have started to do particularly well.  I'm even hopeful that some of our herbs may eventually be large enough to harvest.

-In the bathroom we started some wheat a few days ago.  Much to our surprise, these plants have put on inches in just days.  Eventually we are hoping that the plants will be large enough that they will provide a natural privacy barrier in front of the bathroom window.

This is a classier solution than mini-blinds, right?

-The recent mailed body parts/gruesome murder story has really been dominating the news in Ottawa for the past few days.  I keep imagining this is because of the Ottawa connection to the crime, but now that I've seen a little bit of the non-Ottawa coverage I'm wondering if the coverage is so extensive just because this is such a bizarre and gruesome crime?

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