Saturday, December 21, 2013

A Few Quick Notes 604

-It has been between about -24 and -21 for the past 24 hours.  Of course, the windchill's been dipping into the -33 range, meaning that we've been feeling it a little more than we might have.  Amazingly, it doesn't take long for -20 with no windchill to not feel particularly cold - but as soon as you drop that by -10 (either with windchill or pure chilliness) it has a much more effective bite.

-Though we did have a little snow today it wasn't enough to motivate me to head out to shovel.  If I had  to guess it looks as though maybe less than a centimetre.

-At about lunch today I started to prepare some pea soup in our slow cooker.  Unfortunately, I'm now a little nervous that the soup won't be ready for our normal dinner time.  I guess it's good that we don't have a strict schedule today and that a delayed dinner shouldn't be much of a problem.

-We're shockingly close to Christmas.  I guess because we didn't do much shopping this year, and the shopping we did do had to be done early enough to be mailed across the country, it hasn't really hit me that we're only a few days away from Christmas until now.

-I've really been doing a bad job at blogging this year.  Maybe 2014 will be different?

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