Thursday, September 20, 2007

A Few Quick Notes 115

-Today is another beautiful day in Montreal. For a while I was going to say that it is too warm, but upon further thought I have realized that that is not the case.

-It seems that the Globe must be reading this blog. One of the comments I posted yesterday about not seeing an increase in purchasing power was the subject of their headline story. I guess now that I have their ear I should push the big issues that are close to my heart.

-For lunch today I met up with a few friends from St. John’s. They are currently on their way across the country and back. While in Halifax several days ago they met up with Neil and Rebecca. In total their trip will last about nine months.

-Shortly I will be starting another weekend of work. In addition to my regular Thursday and Friday shifts I am also to be working a function on Sunday.

-On Saturday I am hoping to see my first college football game. The imfamous McGill Redmen will be playing a team from Acadia. As exciting as this may or may not be, I am sure it will be nothing compared to the Big Ten games many members of my family have attended in the past. College football isn’t quite the same up here.

In a strange way this timing is somewhat relevant as just a few days ago I started reading Paper Lion by George Plimption. Though this is by no means a rule or strategy book, it is helping me to understand a little more about the game.

-For the past few days I have been a little under the weather. Hopefully things start to turn around in the very near future. The strange thing is that I don’t seem to be alone. I get the sense that all kinds of people in Montreal have been or are sick.


graham said...

Who is it that is travelling across the country? Do I know them?

Cameron said...

I don't think that you know them.