Tuesday, January 22, 2008

OMG! WTF? No power, water, or heat?

A few minutes ago Nithum asked me if I knew anything about the power, heating, and water outages that are to take place in our building tonight. He indicated that he had seen a such to such effect on the building’s main doors.

This was a bit of a shock as I had not idea such an event was in the works. The last time that I had entered the doors this had not been posted.

Upon checking the sign I saw that Nithum’s assessment was quite accurate, we are supposedly in for a complete shutdown this evening, though does appear to be a slight lack of clarity as to whether this will actually go through. As much as possible, an answer one-way or the other would be nice. This maybe, maybe not scenario is less than pleasing.

What I find particularly shocking about this is that there may be a good number of people in the building that have no idea that such a shutdown is to occur as the sign was not posted until well after 5:00 PM. Many of us likely entered the building for the evening by that time and won’t find out that something is up until they find out that everything is out for eight hours.

I guess I will just wait and see. I particularly hope that I am able to finish my reference assignment before the bewitching hour.

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