Thursday, October 22, 2009

Super busy

As some of you might have guessed based on my limited blogging of the past few days, I am still quite busy with school related work. Though now in addition to the regular reading and writing that has been filling my days for the past few weeks I can add marking. My first batch of the year has to be partly ready to go by tomorrow, which should be fine as I have already taken a quick read through the exam answers I need to mark. Though the completion of the job will require I go through them again in a little more detail.

Of course, on top of this I have a paper due tomorrow (though it is quite short). My plan is to shortly finish the first draft of the paper and then head over to the exams. Once I am done with the exams I hope to kill off the paper. We will see how well this seemingly simple plan works out in the end.

In other exciting news, I did find time to make some marlin for myself for dinner. Unfortunately, it turns out that either I don't know how to prepare marlin or I think marlin is pretty gross. While I am willing to acknowledge the former as a possibility, I am somewhat inclined to lean towards the latter as more likely of the two options. Anyway, it is a good think that we only had one piece in the freezer.

Back to work, at least until I start slacking off again.

1 comment:

Jess said...

There is nothing wrong with an intermittent floor-based filing system provided it remains intermittent. It is the very same filing system that I maintain.

The bed system, however, needs to be a little less floor-based. Not just intermittently. Permanently.

Hope all is well.