Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I'll never miss a hot viral vid again

A few days ago I happened to be browsing the Twitter when I noticed a re-tweet from one of the Google accounts that I follow. The tweet in question was originally a tweet from the YouTube Trends Twitter account. Eventually I was taken to a post about newly popular slo-mo videos. After watching a few of these videos (and a few others that I found through the first videos) I decided to subscribe to the blog via RSS and Google Reader.

Now I regularly get updates about trending/viral vids on YouTube as they are going viral or starting to trend. For instance, yesterday I received a notice that included a video of a key playing a banjo with his brothers.

[Embedded video]

Then today I noticed that Failblog's Win! blog re-posted the video. I was a full 12 hours ahead of Failblog in getting the news. I felt like a real web insider.

Of course I'm not just getting the inside scoop on hot new viral vids, but I am not also watching a few more viral vids than I might have a few days ago. Fortunately, I have been able to restrain myself to a fairly admirable extent, and most of the vids I have been watching have been at least fairly entertaining or informative - unlike the junky vids I was watching before I subscribed to this blog.

And in case you're curious, as far as I know none of my vids have been featured on this blog, presumably because none have hit yet (though I am surely just around the corner with a few of them).

Anyway, if you have to be the first kind on your block to have the inside scoop on hot YouTube vids the aforementioned blog is for you. Even if you don't have to be the first kid on your block to have all the new vids but are just someone who likes a good viral vid you also might find this website worthwhile.

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