Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A Few Quick Notes 104

-Though we had a pretty warm and humid weekend, we seem to have slipped back into the weather that we had been having in early June. The temperatures are below 10 with pretty large amounts of fog. So much fog in fact that the Globe and Mail has been fogged out for the past two days. Word on the street is that things will turn around for the weekend, though I guess we will have to wait and see.

-After an early successful run at Rose and Thistle trivia we have now been winless for a number of weeks. Even worse than being winless, we haven't even been doing all that well. Part of the problem seems to be that we get screwed by the current pop culture questions, time after time the fact that none of watch TV comes back to haunt us. A secondary problem is that the academic questions are typically quite easy or result in a guess. There also seems to be a lack of history questions, or for that matter questions on topics that relate to any of our areas of study.

-Apparently the garbage covering by-law is now in full effect in St. John's. As I walk to work tomorrow I plan on surveying the garbage I come across to see which types of covering have been used. I am looking forward to the walk home to see if any of the garbage will be left on the street, and if so whether or not the infraction obvious. (Clearly I have a very exciting life).

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