Sunday, February 10, 2013

Get your dough hooks off of me! - 4

So to misquote the Spiderman universe - "with great time comes great rising."

All of the ridges and imperfections that I created through the wet dough process have been removed through the power of rising.  Of course, now I need to 'scar' the bread (I can't remember the technical term).

One term I do remember is 'crumb,' and I think that there's a chance that this bread may have been allowed to rise long enough that it will have a crumb of the sort that I've been looking for for some time.

In case you're curious, the oven has been cranked and the racks re-arranged to allow for the steam tray. And generally the excitement level in the apartment is building.

Cameron - 12
Neil - 0

1 comment:

peadarhogan said...

Scar is a great name for it, and how someone from up the shore would say "score" anyway.

Kitchen aid mixer is definitely worth the investment for a young homeowner.