Saturday, February 09, 2013

Paint shopping

It seems that in anticipation of the acquisition of our new house Jeannette and I will be at least spending some portion of the day doing some paint shopping.  The hope is that if we can have the paint on hand before we move in we will be able to shorten the downtime in a few rooms associated with re-painting.

Of course, one of the problems with this paint shopping excursion is that it's been a few years since either of us have done any serious painting - so we're a little out of touch with what's hot in paint application techniques and/or high-tech latex paints.  And though it doesn't worry me, Jeannette's a little worried about how the whole 'accent wall' thing works.

Anyway, if all goes well by the end of the day we'll have paint and appropriate applicators for three rooms (and we'll have also finalized colour choice for the three rooms we're planning on painting).

Cameron - 6
Neil - 0

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