Thursday, April 11, 2013

Big day at the house

So today was definitely a big day in our new house, at least as far as cold hard cash is concerned.

First of all, we finally had an electrician install a few extra electrical outlets.  Having just one outlet in the master bedroom and no outlets in the bathroom wasn't a situation we're really enjoying.  We ended up with five new outlets.  Of course, the downside of this kind of work is that it definitely isn't free.

Then, while I was at home for lunch, I noticed that the frozen corn I was retrieving from the freezer wasn't as cold or as hard as I expected.  I soon learned that everything in the freezer wasn't as cold as I expected.  Then I started to find that the food in the fridge wasn't all that cold either.  So our fridge blew.

Tonight we went fridge shopping and picked up a new fridge (the upside being that this new fridge should be more energy efficient.

Anyway, definitely a memorable day.

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