Friday, May 11, 2007

A Few Quick Notes 95

-Today was wonderful. It was clear with blue skies from the time I awoke until now. On top of that, the temperature was quite reasonable. While not hot, it was warm enough for me to eat my dinner sitting on a patio. Unfortunately, I am not sure if the weather will hold all weekend, though I hope it will.

-Last Friday a few people came over to play Settlers. We managed a relatively quick 6 player, though at the moment I can’t remember who won (though I know that it was not me). Afterwards the remaining four of us decided to play a game of Seafarers (a modification of the base Settlers game). As I was somewhat out of practice with the set up it took a few minutes.

After this delay we were underway, though with a bit of a slow start. For some reason all four of us continued to fail to acquire valuable resources. For about three hours all of us were sitting there not really doing much. The only thing that was happening was that Peter was occasionally getting screwed by sevens (he was never able to do anything with his brick and sheep).

Somehow, after about three hours the end clearly began to approach, though I had managed to build only about one settlement and no cities. Peter finally put us out of our misery and won.

-Since my return it has been my plan to bake bread. I keep thinking that I have all kinds of time in the evenings and I am not doing all that much of consequence, so it seemed like baking bread would be the thing to do.

So, last weekend I thought that I would finally get down to the bread baking. I had the place to myself. It seemed a perfect time to go ahead with my plan. Unfortunately, only then did I realize that my plans for making a huge batch of bread were reliant on having freezer storage space, something that I did not have.

Back to store bought for me (though fortunately it has largely been purchased from Georgetown).

-On Monday night I saw my second Joel Hynes performance and my first Joel Hynes one man show. As some of you may know, Mr. Hynes seems to be from the Southern Shore, Calvert if I remember correctly. This one man show is presented from the point of view of an individual who killed a woman in his small home town on the Southern Shore.

I was generally pleased with the show, though I was surprised that Mr. Hynes did not take more advantage of the stage. At times it seemed as though he had been standing in the same place for 20 minutes, just speaking. Additionally, one or two of the relationships might have been fleshed out, because as they were they did not add all that much.

-Sorry for the infrequencies of my posts recently. Though I don’t have all that much on my plate it seems hard for me to find the few minutes to sit down and take care of my Montifax business. To a large extent I attribute this to my lack of proper working space in my room. As it is right now, my room is filled with children’s books and extra furniture. These unwanted additions make even finding or storing clothing more complicated that usual, they make working in my room almost impossible. The cause of this material backlog was supposed to be taken care of this week, though of course this did not happen. So for some indeterminate amount of time I will have to live with all kinds of extra crap clogging up my room and workspace.

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