Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Rose and Thistle Trivia

So me and de b’ys goes down to the da Rose and Thistle for a bit ‘a trivia last night. When we walks in tru da door der ain’t really dat many people dere. So we goes and has a seat. Eventually a couple a more people comes in, dough I wouldn’t a said it was dat full, even by da end.

Peter says “what can I get ya” and I says “QV.” So in a minute he is back wit da drinks, but I got a QV light cause de b’ys is out most a de others. Jayus, b’ys, was on da go wit dat?

So we sits wit our drinks, talking and such when Mike comes in. I is right quick to notice dat he seems some dry for walking down town from da university in da rain. Turns out he got a ride. Jayus b’y, sum lucky.

So eventually de place is ready and we goes. 30 question in two rounds a fit-teen each. Soon we sees dat de questions is all over da place. We got nature, and movies, and botany, and inventions, all mixed in wit one another. So anyway, tings is ok. We guesses a few and knows a few more. Sure enough were done de first fit-teen practicly before she even started.

At da break we goes and gets drinks, dough I forget to use da batroom. We gets back and da tree of is talking for a while, waitin for da second round.

Da missus comes back from a smoke and we goes, another quick fit-teen. Same ting dis time, we knows some and we has ta guess d’others. So da missus finishes and den gives us a sec to get de last guesses in. Soon enough she’s der at da table wantin our score sheet. So we recapitulates and gives it to her, but not witout a bit a sauce.

After dat she starts to read out the de answers and we marks our sheet. Tings is going pretty good from da beginning. We sees dat we got some dat de others don’t, and we got de ones day dey do. Tings is looking good for me and de b’ys. When she’s done we tries to count our score, but she hardly gave us time. Peter came up with 20, but I saw dat we had more den dat, sos I counts her again. Soon enough I know I done a crap job, but da missus is on me back for de score. I says 22, dough I knows it might be wrong. After I says dat Mike counts and we sees dat we actually go 21. Anyway, da missus is up der counting our score too and she gets 21.

Anyway, 21 was de top score so we won. Me and de b’ys, winning Rose and Thistle trivia de first time we tries. Sure, we must be some smart. De prize is $50 bar tab, dough I can’t say day “me and da b’ys got loaded drunk” as I had to work.

Anyway, me and da b’ys ‘ill be der next week wanting da win.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it when it is written like that... reminds me of my first days in Newfoundland...

Hope everything is going ok.