Sunday, May 20, 2012

At least there's no tax?

Just a few minutes ago I learned that Cirque du Soleil will be visiting Ottawa this summer with their new Michael Jackson show.  I was curious to see how much tickets are so I followed the links to the online vendor associated with the performance venue.

Not surprisingly, there is quite a range in ticket prices.  While some tickets are available for $50, quite a number of the tickets for seats closed to the stage are $175.

When I used their system to calculate the price for two $80 tickets I was surprised to see that the total price was much higher than $160.

Apparently there are a few fees associated with each ticket.

I realize this position isn't particularly new or original, but what's with a $13.50 ticket fee?  That's more than 25% of the value of a $50 ticket.  Is it just me or does that seem a bit high?  And what's with the separate $3.50 Capital Replacement Fund fee?  Why don't they just roll the ticket fee and Capital Replacement Fund together, or, even better, just include both of these items in the price of the ticket/rental?  I know that I'd rather see a $67 ticket price than a $50 ticket only to find out that it will cost $17 more than advertised.  I have a hard time believing that I'm alone on this one.

Oh, and then the other great thing is that they include an order charge of $3.50.  As far as I can tell this is basically the customer paying for the privilege of shopping with them.  Again, if the business model isn't sustainable without this additional fee why not just include it in the rental or ticket price up front?  Why risk pissing customers off in this way?

Of course maybe I'm the one who's got it all wrong.  Maybe they've learned over time that a lower ticket price is what matters and that people don't respond negatively to an almost %40 difference between the advertised ticket price and total cost.

So while I might have been willing to pay $68.75 for a $68.75 ticket I am much less inclined to pay $68.75 for a $50 ticket.  At the end of the day it's maybe a good thing that I find these fees so offensive because I probably shouldn't really be paying $68.75 for any ticket, no matter its sticker price.