Monday, December 10, 2007

A Few Quick Notes 141

-Today has been another cool and clear Winters day. It seems that some snow has been forecast for this evening, though I don’t think that this was really supposed to amount to much, maybe just a light dusting.

-Moments ago I was recalling the days when I used to cringe at the thought of being required to complete a 500 word or a 1000 word essay. Though I am still not the world’s most prolific or natural writer, I am able to look back on those days and laugh. Not only would it have not been possible to say all that much in 500 or 1000 words, it couldn’t possibly have taken that long if I had put my mind to it (something I still have a problem doing).

-The Globe and Mail is reporting that Joe Clark was punched in the face while walking down the street in Montreal yesterday. Fortunately this has not yet happened to me in Montreal.

-Twice in the past few days I have made wiener schnitzel. In both instances I was pretty pleased with the result.

-In about a week I will be back in St. John’s. Though I don’t have any major plans I am looking forward to the trip. As usual, I hope to be able to spend a fair bit of time reading.

-It seems that our apartment building didn’t get its usual Sunday supply of grocery store fliers yesterday. How am I to know what to buy if they can’t get the fliers out to me?

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