Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Few Quick Notes 199

-Rain has been threatening all day, but aside from a few drops and some mist it has not followed through. The up side has been slightly cooler temperatures (though not cool enough for me to arrive at work not dripping sweat).

-My beans are continuing to do well. It seems that many of the newer plants are showing well formed leaves. Actually, they are doing so well that I will likely have to thin or transplant some of the plants. Transplanting would be the best option as it would allow the space to be more completely used.

-My team played a good ultimate game yesterday. Not only did we win, but we played a team that was enjoyable to play. On top of this, the close score meant that both teams had to keep trying until the end of the game.

We have another game on Thursday. Hopefully this one will go well.

-Yesterday I was able to buy a bolt to attach my bike seat to my seat post. So for it seems to be working nicely, though I think I should tighten thing sup a little just to make sure that nothing moves while I ride.

-While running several errands in the last few days I have noticed that there are an inadequate number of bike racks in town. This is particularly surprising in the downtown area as I would think that with the parking problems as they are we would want to encourage people to ride their bikes instead of driving.

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