Thursday, November 26, 2009

Dos and Don'ts while visiting Paris

Earlier this afternoon I was talking with my friend Jess about her upcoming trip to Paris. While we were talking about her trip I was reminded of my trip to Paris for Easter in 1995, and a few of the aspects of the trip that I would repeat and a few others that I wouldn't. Then tonight it seemed like the appropriate next step would be to create lists of some of these things so that our entire readership is able to take advantage of my experiences and integrate the information in their own Paris travel plans.

So I guess I might as well start with the positive stuff, the Dos

-Do go to the Eiffel Tower and do pay for the elevator ride to the top. I learned the hard way that while it is cheaper to take the stairs you don't get to the top that way.

-Do eat a baguette or two. When I was there they were a pretty cheap and tasty way of sustaining oneself while touring.

-Do watch local TV, it tends to be a little more daring than what you find in North America. This is particularly important if you are a twelve year-old boy when you are making the trip.

-Do visit the Moulin Rouge area, particularly if you haven't already been to a red light/sex district. I know that it is something that I haven't forgotten (though this may have something to do with me being a twelve year-old boy at the time).

-Do go to McDonald's and get a beer, if only so that you can tell me how the experience is (I wasn't able to partake when I was last there and have since been wondering how the beer is in a fast food restaurant).

-Do go to the Notre Dame bell tower.

-Do know how to ask where the bathroom is before you arrive.

-Do plan your trips to be bathroom in advance as you might encounter pay toilet situations or places with pesky attendants (which are best avoided).

-Do get on a train to the correct airport/transportation terminal when it comes time for you to leave.

That's about enough positivity, now I should move on to the don'ts.

-Don't stay in a hotel in Chinatown, it is definitely out of the way.

-Don't order the footlong hot dogs they sell in the Eiffel tower (they lube them up with something and then ram them in a baguette).

-Don't pay to go on the sewer tour, instead walk in the exit as the people from the previous tour are leaving (though don't do this knowingly or it takes the fun out of the experience).

-Don't go to the Palace of Versailles on Spring fountain cleaning day. Choose one of the 364 days of the year when the fountains are not shooting black gunk out of their spouts.

-Don't give your extra fast food restaurant food to homeless kids unless you want them to follow you around.

-Don't be a complete cheapskate all of the time.

I guess that is all I have for the moment, though I am sure that more will come to me at some point in the not too distant future. If I am appropriately motivated I may even get around to posting them here.


Jessica said...

Oooh, you spoil me! First an elaborate fancy email, then a "Paris how-to" style tutorial. So exciting.

Although I must admit a hot dog on a a baguette sounds intriguing, I'm probably going to follow your advice on seeking out finer fare and a beer from McDonald's definitely fits into that category.

Another friend told me to pass on visiting the Moulin Rouge district, but I have a whole month, so I'm quite excited to visit the area and take as many bawdy/humorous/tasteless photos as my heart desires.

Thanks for the advice and definitely add more dos & don'ts if you think of them. I'm sure your 12-year-old self doesn't get many opportunities to share his wisdom :)

Donald McKay said...

This was priceless.