Monday, October 25, 2010

A Few Quick Notes 467

-Today turned out to be a much more pleasant day than I expected, largely because we didn't have the rain that I expected. It looks as though we are due to be really slammed tomorrow though.

-I managed to spend a good chunk of today dealing with TA related activities. It seems likely that I will also spend much of tomorrow dealing with similar activities.

-Yesterday, because of a TSOYA-related blog post I ended up subscribing to a few new podcasts.

Freakonomics Radio, a podcast based on the book and blog by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner. This afternoon, while walking around campus, I managed to listen to a few episodes and was quite impressed. I found the episode dealing with education reform (and the use of personalized teaching approaches) in New York City particularly interesting.

Another one I happened upon during this podcast directory browsing experience is called Hmmm.... and seems seems to be related to RadioLab, already a favourite of mine, though with somewhat different content and an emphasis on shorter, easier to access pieces.

To The Best of Our Knowledge, the podcast that lead me down the path to the aforementioned podcast subscriptions, seems to be more general in nature than the other two that I mentioned. Unfortunately, unlike the other two (because of the length of the episodes) I have not yet had the chance to listen to a full episode. Nonetheless, the part of the one episode that I did hear was pretty good.

-I guess I should get back to work.

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