Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Food products that I don’t consume for one reason or another

For some reason my dietary habits seem to be a popular subject of discussion among my acquaintances here in Montreal. All kinds of people can’t quite understand the problem that I have with milk (it modifies my behaviour in a negative way and is not lactose intolerance). They wonder what I do for food considering that I don’t eat most dairy products and tomatoes.

Amazingly, most of these conversations end up in the same place. People want a full list of the things that I don’t eat and they then want to know what I do eat. Surprisingly, I typically forget many of the things from the first list and am unable to come up anything for the second list. My typical verbose answer to the second question is “things.”

As it is on my mind I have decided to try to begin to compile a list of things that I don’t or shouldn’t eat for various reasons.


-Most dairy products (with the main exception being butter, as well as milk when used in baking. Occasional exceptions are also made for brie)



-Invertebrates and their by-products (i.e. honey)

-Nuts (including peanuts, though occasional exceptions are made for things such as peanut butter and peanut M & M’s)


-Tea (black, white, and green)



-Salt (this is more a caes of me trying to minimize consumption, as total avoidance is just about impossible)

-The internal organs of most large animals (except as part of haggis)

-Oranges (at least most of the time)

-Orange food dye

-Pistachios (possibly my only traditional food allergy)

-Brussel sprouts

-Re-heated broccoli

-Cooked coloured peppers

This is all I can think of for the time being. I am sure that there are several glaring omissions. If anyone can think of any other foods that I actively do not eat please pass them along to me.

As I have been working on this list and thinking about my eating habits I have come to realize that it is a good thing that I enjoy cooking and don’t mind experimenting with recipes. Expecting anyone other than a close family member to routinely stick to this list would be a bit much.


Rebecca said...

cucumber? zucchini?

Neil said...

You only occaisionally eat brie because it is only occaisionally in your fridge. Also, you've been known to indulge in ice cream on occaision.

You don't eat bananas or melons. Nor do you eat apples (unless they are granny smith and rock hard) or pears (unless they are rock hard).

You should also make it clear that there are some things that you don't eat for health reasons. Really what I'm getting at here is that you would eat a steak covered in spinach after removing the spinach, but you wouldn't eat the same steak if covered with tomato (because tomato contaminates).

Cameron said...

Those are good omissions.

You are correct. Some of these foods contaminate while others do not. The tomato vs. spinach example is particularly good. Maybe I need to have some kind of classified list including things I don't eat and I won't eat.