Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Last shift at Thomson House

My day at Thomson House was pretty long on Friday.

It seems that I arrived at about 2:00 or so, after spending several hours working on and then printing my final management project. Thomson House seemed like a good place to go to celebrate. Bruce, my partner, and I each had a muffin and some coffee. After a while Bruce had to leave. I decided to stay as the walk home would have taken a fair chunk out of the free time I had before my shift started.

Shortly after my shift started at 4:30 I had to change a few kegs. Unfortunately, I don’t exactly remember which one was my last keg. On the plus side, none of the keg changes were particularly problematic (meaning no beer showers), or deep in the bowels of the keg fridge.

I think it was at about 7:30 or so when I was notified by one of the bartenders that there was some vomit to clean up in the downstairs bathroom. As I had not had to do this before it took me a while to find all of the supplies and equipment. Once everything was gathered I started on the job. The downside of this vomit was that it was much more food based that I would have liked, meaning that there was a fair bit that I couldn’t get with the mop and eventually had to sweep up.

As the vomit was directly in front of the toilet my suspicion was that the person must have been sitting on the toilet during the incident. It turns out the guilty party is a fellow GSLIS student and he was able to confirm that he was in fact sitting on the toilet at the time of the incident. It seems all of the library people knew something was up but somehow managed to keep this knowledge away from me until relatively late in the night.

The rest of the night was relatively quiet and I was able to punch out at about 9:30 and join about twenty library school types for a few drinks. I was pleased to see so many and such a varied crowd in attendance. At least one person there is no longer in the program, and another was there having their first drinks at Thomson House.

Gradually the crowd thinned out until it just two of us were there. At 2:00 we were booted out just like everyone else and my final working day for the near future ended.

As Friday was my last shift I did not go to Saturday’s staff meeting, though in a weird way I wanted to. I have a few ideas that might help them increase sales and bring a few more people in, and it seems like this would be the venue to bring forth these ideas. I guess my great ideas will have to wait until next fall to see the light of day.


Kathy said...

I am very impressed with your new found talents and your strong stomach.


Kathy said...

I am very impressed with your new found talents and your strong stomach.
