Sunday, January 03, 2010

A Few Quick Notes 383

-Though yesterday was rather nasty, today really wasn't too bad at all. Aside from the snow and slush that is on the streets as a result of yesterday's storm the main problem with today was the generally grey skies that persisted through the sunlit hours.

-At Neil's suggestion I tried to take a quick time-lapse clip of the storm as it was progressing. Un/fortunately we started the recording process just as things were beginning to die down. By the time I was finished capturing photos not only had the storm stopped, but the sun had also set (but aspects have been cut from the video below).

[Embedded Video]

I also tried to take a few photos, though I am sure that the video does a better job of conveying the message (what little message there is).

-We had our first ultimate game of the new year last night. While I wasn't looking forward to the game as the time to catch the bus approached, I had a good time once I was there. While we lost by a pretty wide margin, I think that we did relatively well considering our competition. Unfortunately, near the end of the game I ran into a brick wall while attempting to catch a pass. Luckily I think I will manage to escape the encounter with nothing more than a bruised elbow (and hopefully a sense that future encounters of this sort should be avoided).

-When I returned from St. John's I rearranged some of the plants in our apartment. A few that were on their last legs were ditched, while a few others were moved to locations that more appropriately suited their size and likely growth patterns.

As you can see, most of the plants in my bedroom window are still tobacco plants, though there are at least a few other varieties (including the banana plant, the bay tree, the thyme plant, and a rather unsightly pepper plant).

Given the rapid growth of my tobacco plants I have continued to amass a collection of dried tobacco leaves. The pile is now so large that I am having problems storing it. Eventually I should probably consider putting them in some kind of container with a tight seal, but for the moment I think that they will just stay on my shelf in a pile.

-I think I have figured out which courses I will be taking this term, though I guess things could still change between now and the end of the week.

What has been frustrating about this process is that Dalhousie schedule a working day after the New Year's day holiday but before classes start. Such a day would allow faculty, staff, and students to make arrangements regarding classes before they have actually started. I am sure that the current set up leads to mass confusion, especially among those students starting for the first time at Dalhousie in January.

The other neat effect is that it forces faculty members to go in on the weekend before classes start. Rebecca and Neil went to the Math building today and felt that there were almost as many faculty members there today as there would be on a normal week day.

-Shortly after we returned to Halifax we rented Trailer Park Boys: Countdown to Liquor Day. Sadly, it was quite a disappointment. Not only was the movie not as good as the first one, it wasn't until the second half that they really even started showing the recognizable Halifax shots (some of which were from about a block away from our apartment) that I so enjoy now that I live in Halifax. So I guess I would suggest that if you really need two Trailer Park Boys movies in your collection stick to the original black and white film from the late-1990s and the first properly filmed and released movie.

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