Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Look Ma, Deals!

In the not too distant past Neil noticed a tempting special offer at one of the local grocery stores. The deal was that if you purchased $100 of qualifying products and they would give you an additional 350 Air Miles. As Neil has a weakness for deals, generally, and more specifically for Air Miles related deals he was inclined to try and go for it (especially as we could compound this deal with a 10% student discount). The result would be that we would pay $90 for $100 worth of groceries and then get enough Air Miles to get $50 of grocery store gift certificates (meaning that $100 of groceries would really cost only $40).

The problem with the deal, aside from the complexity, was that the qualifying products were not exactly products that we really need $100 worth of on a day-to-day basis. Actually, many of the qualifying products that we don't even really need.

These concerns aside, it was decided that we would try to go for it tonight, we were going to try to find $100 worth of qualifying products and then carry it all back to our apartment.

Once we arrived at the grocery store we started to realize the challenges associated with our self-assigned task. Firstly, as we were buying mostly low-cost products (cases of pop and bags of chips) we needed to buy relatively large numbers of these items to come anywhere close to reaching our goal. After not too long we had at least ten bags of chips and ten cases of pop and we still weren't there. Secondly, it soon became clear that we were going to have more goods than we could carry back to the apartment on one trip. The pop, in particular, was going to pose something of a problem.

After a little bit of calculating and juggling of goods, we determined that we had just over $100 (we threw in an extra $2 product just to make sure) and made our way to the cash.

Almost as soon as the cashier saw our selections he knew something was up. At first he thought that we were just big pop fans, but he was soon relieved of that opinion. Fortunately, upon learning about are quest to secure 350 bonus Air Miles he was immediately in support of our cause.

All of us (Neil, the cashier, and I) were in suspense as Neil paid as we weren't able to tell if our goal had been reached until we saw the receipt. Luckily/due to excellent planning we managed to meet our goal of $100 and get our bonus Air Miles. And thanks to another promotion we ended collecting a total of 376 Air Miles on this trip.

As you can see, it really is quite a selection of goods. If you are curious, we purchased 13 dozen tins of pop, 14 bags of chips, 2 jugs of orange juice, 1 bag of corn snacks, and 1 box of cereal. The upside is that this should likely do us in the junk food department for some number of months (or at least weeks).


Jess said...

You guys are going to be so sick. When is it ever necessary to purchase $100 worth of junk food, let alone $40 worth? Crazy, crazy!

Jess said...

PS - Not driving you to the recycling depot again. You're on your own.

Cameron said...

It is never necessary to purchase this much junk food, just thinking about it disgust me (to a degree).

Won't you at least give us credit for the artful display?

Cameron said...

PS - That's too bad, we just purchased 156 cans that will eventually need to be recycled.

Jess said...

Cans are lighter than bottles. Haul them yourself.

Jess said...

Also, yes, I am glad you took the photo. It is a good photo.

I really can't rag on you that much. I have a similar picture of 30 or so Shreddies boxes that I took when I was 19. There was a promotion that gave away one adult movie ticket for each box of Shreddies purchased (approx. value being $8 at that time). When Shreddies went on sale for $0.49 a box, I had to take advantage.

I watched movies at least once or twice a week every week that summer. It was awesome. The trade-off is that seven yearss later, I can hardly stand the sight of Shreddies.

Kathy said...

Deals, yes!
Healthy eating, NO!
Great picture!
Why wasn't the math done before the shopping trip?


Kathy said...

Deals, yes!
Healthy eating, NO!
Great picture!
Why wasn't the math done before the shopping trip?


Kathy said...

When is the party?

Cameron said...

We didn't do the math beforehand because we didn't know exactly what they would have that would count.

The more I think about it the more ridiculous I realize this was. There is no way that we needed any of those items. We were seduced by the siren calls of sweet deals.

Jess said...

Ya think?

Donald McKay said...

Instead of the juice and cereal, you could have added 'more on' the junk food side.

Cameron said...

The two bottles of juice and the box of cereal came to almost $18 dollars. Replacing those items would have meant either approximately 7 bags of chips or approximately 5 dozen cans of pop. We should have gone for even more juice. (The problem is that both the juice and pop were on sale, meaning that we had to buy more than we normally would have needed to go get to our goal of $100).

Cameron said...

Remember kids, don't try this at home.

Rebecca said...

I'm not sure if I can show my face at Sobeys again, after being part of these shenanigans.