Tuesday, January 05, 2010

That was fast

It seems that even though classes only started today I am already back in the midst of a semester in full swing.

This feeling really started last night when I downloaded and printed an article that I needed to read for Tuesday's class. Just moments ago, after proceeding rather inefficiently for a few hours, I finally finished it. For this term to work I am really going need to pick up my pace.

The major development was that today, while talking to graduate coordinator about my course selections for the term, I ended up being talked into taking a course whose first session was to start about an hour and a half from the time I was talked into taking it. Once in class I ended up volunteering to take the first presentation slot, which means a presentation next Monday. Not surprisingly, most of the students in the class opted for presentations later in the term (a mistake I hope to make never again as it leads to a rather congested end of term).

So I guess that means that from the get go I will get a chance to test my attempt to try to stay on top of things and now allow them to pile up as the term progresses (though my inclination towards immediate rather than delayed gratification may stand in my way).

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