Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Few Quick Notes 387

-It strikes me that today was a bit chilly, but as I wasn't really outside very much so I don't really have much of a sense of how things progressed (now that I think about this I find it rather funny as I spent most of my day in front of my bedroom window but apparently forgot to look up for hours on end).

-Yesterday Neil told Rebecca and I about a new blog that he has started reading, it is called Ricecakes ARE Remarkable. The premise is that the author of the blog is slowly working her way through each recipe in a cookbook that features ricecakes in every recipe (and before you crap on the author for stealing someone else's idea she acknowledges that she was inspired by the Julie/Julia movie/blog/experience). The descriptions of the recipes and results are hilarious (and haven't yet encouraged me to run out and buy ricecakes). I can't wait to read future posts.

-Montifax is going to come out against a few more things, notably pouting and Valentine's Day.

To pout, which the New Oxford American Dictionary defines as "push[ing] one's lips or one's bottom lip forward as an expression of petulant annoyance or in order to make oneself look sexually attractive," is one of the more annoying facial expressions in which one can engage. If I was into outlawing things for the sake of outlawing things I am pretty sure that I would be inclined to outlaw pouting.

My animus towards Valentine's Day should also be rather obvious. Not only does the celebration of this day seem to undermine the idea that a committed relationship is a daily commitment, but it also disgustingly materialistic. It seems to send the message that one can be an ass all year but make it up to their partner by buying them something (typically this something is relatively disposable and unnecessary) on their way to a fancy dinner. I think that it is likely that without the cop out that is Valentine's Day many relationships would be much better off. In case you are curious, I think that Mother's Day and Father's Day are problematic in similar ways.

I guess that since they are coming up in the very near future I should reiterate Montifax is also against the Olympics. This event has started hogging a monumental proportion of my newspaper on a daily basis, in addition to my more traditional complaints about this event. We here at Montifax are likely to almost completely avoid watching Olympic coverage on TV (something that will be quite easy as we are without a functioning TV).

-Last night, because Neil was in possession of a number of good coupons, all three of us went to see a showing of the movie Youth in Revolt with Michael Cera. As far as I am concerned the movie was a bit of a bust (though it was nice to see Michael Cera do something other than just Michael Cera around), though Neil and Rebecca both gave it more positive reviews. Actually, they almost seemed to be bubbling over with excitement on our walk home.

-We had another tight game of Ultimate last night. While we were able to whittle away most of a 6 point deficit in the dying minutes of the game, we were one completed pass short of tying the game. I have mixed feelings about how I played. At the beginning of the game I clearly made a number of strategic errors. In the second half I felt as though I contributed much more effectively. I can't quite tell if my contribution was net positive or negative.

-We had black bean soup and corn bread for dinner yesterday, they were both pretty tasty.

1 comment:

Donald McKay said...

I understand your views about Valentine's Day and the respective parent's days. Should you have a lapse in one of the 365 days of the year, however, a bit of special attention on one of the noted days would not likely go astray.