Sunday, June 06, 2010

Balcony Garden Update 13

When I last posted photos of my balcony garden I had just recently placed many of the plants outside.

Now most of these plants have had a few the chance to get used to grow in their new environment. Thus far it seems that the new location has not been particularly beneficial. As you can see, not many of the plants are displaying particularly impressive growth.

From the time they were moved outdoors the scarlet runner beans have actually been doing quite well.

Over the past two weeks these plants have continued to do quite well. I am hoping that now that this rate of growth will continue or increase over the next few months.

I have been quite surprised that the mint, which was planted last summer, has continued to grow.

Now that some of the plants have started to sprout new branches I may have to start thinking of something that I might do with the leaves. I also think that I may need to repot these plants in the near future.

A few weeks ago I planted a few morning glory seeds that I purchased last year. After a few weeks of no signs of growth I was thinking that the seeds would come to nothing and that I would need to acquire new seeds. Amazingly, just after I purchased a new package of seeds I noticed that the old ones had finally started to grow. I guess I may need to plant another pot of morning glory seeds to take advantage of the newly acquired seeds.

After a few months of growth indoors in small peat pellets my neighbour and I re-potted our tomato plants. I suspect that we left the plants a little too long and allowed them to get a little too spindly before we re-potted them.

As you can see, since the re-potting these plants haven't really grown all that much. More troubling than the lack of growth is the discolouration that seems to be taking place on some of the leaves. I hope that with the application of some fertilizer this discolouration will disappear.

The scarlet runner beans planted in the planter, just like those in pots on the balcony rail, seem to be doing well.

Over the past few weeks these plants have really taken off.

The tobacco plants that I planted last summer have now been outside for quite a while. Not surprisingly, these plants really haven't done much of anything since they were moved outside, though they haven't deteriorated either. I think that I may have to get rid of a few of these plants in the not too distant future so that I can free up some room for a few other plants.

Not surprisingly, the plants in my bedroom seem to growing more quickly than those outdoors.

Over the past few weeks some of these plants have really shot up quite dramatically. The corn and the peas have made particularly impressive strides upward. I guess I should also draw attention to the banana plant, which has really be pumping out new and big leaves quite consistently.

The peas have really amazed me. Over the past few days quite a number of flowers began to bloom. More recently these blooms have turned into pea pods. I would guess that at the moment I have close to a dozen pea pods at various stages of development (though none are particularly large yet).

Hopefully the sun that has been forecast for the end of the week will help spur some growth in the plants on the balcony which have thus far been somewhat sluggish.

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