Friday, June 18, 2010

A New Shelving Unit: As Good as Being Present

A few days ago Neil and Rebecca realized that they needed more storage space. After a brief search and period of contemplation, they settled on a shelving unit that is on sale this week at Canadian Tire.

This morning Neil and I made our way over to the local Canadian Tire to pick one up. Amazingly the shopping experience was relatively quick and painless (I wasn't paying).

Not to long ago we brought the shelving unit back to our apartment. After a few minutes of dilly-dallying (meaning until the end of the Germany-Serbia World Cup game) we started to unpack the the shelving unit. At this point I thought that our readers would really probably like to follow along with the assembly process through a session of live-blogging, so here we are. Check back to follow our progress.

10:35 - Neil and Rebecca's bedroom has been rearranged so that he assembly of the shelving unit can take place on site. We have also pulled all of the parts of the shelving unit out of the box and placed them at various points around the perimeter of the room or in the adjacent hallway. My sense is that right now Neil is counting the hinges and screws to make sure that we have everything before we start.

10:37 - I am now busy live blogging while Neil continues his preparations. If he doesn't hurry up I may end up just taking a nap.

10:40 - I am now back in the room. We just discussed how best to cover this momentous event - we agreed live-blogging would be better than a time-lapse as we missed the key unboxing phase of the process.

10:52 - The assembly process has now started in earnest. We have attached two pieces to one another and are about to attach the third.

11:01 - We now have 5 pieces completely or partially attached to one another. We also have started streaming the US-Slovenia World Cup game via

11:20 - Things are starting to take shape now, both sides have been added. That being said, we are still a ways away from being done. In other news, it seems that the US are now down 0-1 to Slovenia.

11:28 - We just popped the top on. I think we will soon need to flip the unit over to add the structural cardboard to the back.

11:40 - Neil is now putting the nails into the structural cardboard on the back of the unit. We will need to pound in about 40 nails in total. I guess once we are done with this step we will have to flip it over again and then add the front doors and a few more shelves. I guess if I am hopeful and optimistic I might suggest that the end is in sight.

11:44 - Slovenia just scored a second goal, really putting the US in a tough spot. Oh, and Neil is still pounding away at the structural cardboard nails.

12:13 - The doors have been attached and the unit is now upright, though not quite in position. Hopefully the door hinges won't require much adjustment as I think that it won't be particularly straightforward to adjust these doors.

12:18 - Neil is now in the midst of attaching the unit to the wall to take advantage of the included fall arrest system.

12:20 - Neil is emitting some strange grunting sounds during the fall arrest construction process. Pretty graphic if you ask me.

12:22 - The handles are now on the doors.

12:29 - We just adjusted the doors, which was a little uncomfortable and unpleasant but not too bad.

12:33 - I think that we are basically done, though eventually a few more shelves will be inserted. I think that this likely won't be done until Rebecca returns and can be consulted on shelf arrangement and what exactly will be placed on the shelves. So I guess that is the end of this live-blogging experience.

Here is the unit in its almost final form.


Rebecca said...
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Rebecca said...

Seems like you are making good progress.

I am slightly concerned about where my bed is, since, as far as I can tell from the photo, it isn't in the bedroom.

Cameron said...

The bed is on its side next to the window.

Rebecca said...

Impressive! Good job (with both construction and live-blogging).

Unknown said...

All done in under an hour. Well done boys.