Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Just what was needed before the G8 summit

According to CBC there has been an earthquake in Ontario. It seems that this has coincided with the final preparations for the upcoming G8/G20 summit that is to take place in Ontario. I am curious to know if this earthquake will have much of an impact on these final preparations or if other regions in Ontario are short on emergency service workers who have been shifted to Toronto to deal with the massive summit security operation.


Unknown said...

I didn't even feel the earthquake.

Cameron said...

Now that I have had a chance to see a map that showed the epicenter in relation to Toronto (and other major cities) it seems not particularly surprising that it wasn't much of an event in Toronto and that people managed to fail to notice it.

Anonymous said...

One of the TV stations in Michigan showed a map graphic of the event . . . centred on Ontario, CALIFORNIA !!!