Saturday, November 19, 2011

Baking misadventures

A few weeks ago some friends were coming over. I thought that having some freshly baked muffins on hand might be nice.

Of course, part way the baking process, at about the time when I realized things were going according to plan, I came to the realization that I had forgotten to add the baking powder.

The resulting muffin shaped dough pucks ended up kind of looking like muffins, at least until their innards were exposed. And while aspects of the flavour were as expected, the overall package was quite disappointing.

Today, while making a scone recipe I have made dozens of times I neglected to add the called-for sugar. Of course I didn't notice this until part way through the first scone.

In retrospect this omission likely explains why the scones looked a little different than normal.

I am really hoping that this will be the final instance of my baking forgetfulness for the foreseeable future.

I have a hard enough time single-handedly eating full batches of baked goods when they are properly prepared that I don't need to give myself additional hurdles, particular if those hurdles make the output less palatable.

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