Wednesday, November 23, 2011


At about 10:40 the snow had almost come to a complete stop. Obviously this meant it was not time to start shovelling.

I set out with the shovel left to us by the previous tenant. At first thing seemed to be going quickly as the snow was light and easy to shovel. Then, after a few minutes, I noticed that the shovel I was using was really quite short. It didn't even come up to my waist.

The shortness of the shovel, I noticed, was forcing me to bend over quite dramatically. While I could sustain this position for a while it soon became clear that the entire driveway was going to be a bit of a challenge.

The other problem that I soon noticed was the that the snow seemed to be getting heavier as I kept going. I am not sure if this was an illusion, or if increasing temperatures were causing a change, or if the snow nearer the road was heavier, but an already bad situation was seemingly becoming even worse.

Of course, I managed to use the collapsable emergency shovel to clear enough snow to allow us to access the car. Assuming that we aren't ploughed in over night we should even be able to exit the driveway without too many problems.

Hopefully tomorrow we will be able to use this driveway access to make our way to a local shovel store to acquire a more suitable shovel. I really don't think I can do the driveway again with that less than adequate shovel.

Oh, and I would guess that we had about 40ish centimeters of snow.

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