Sunday, December 20, 2009

Amazing stuff you can find it grocery stores these days or More spring cleaning

A few weeks ago Peter and I were taking a stroll through the local grocery store, basically just checking things out not really doing a proper shop. Eventually we found a discount refrigerated food section, something I had never seen in that store before. After poking around this section for a few minutes we happened upon a strange can with a 50% off sticker obscuring most of the label. After a few more minutes we figured out that what we were holding claimed to be pancake or waffle batter in a can. All one needed to do to have organic pancakes or waffles was squirt this stuff out onto the appropriate cooking surface and let it cook. Immediately I was drawn to this product because of its relative absurdity. Really, who could possibly be too lazy to prepare pancake batter but not lazy enough to cook pancake batter?

After letting this can kick around the fridge for a few weeks Neil finally talked me into preparing a few of these pancakes before we left Halifax for the Holidays. As you can see, they do end up kind of looking like pancakes.

[Embedded Video]

As you might have guessed, these pancakes were really not very good as far as pancakes go. Though with enough syrup and/or butter I am sure that I could have maybe finished one or two.

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