Friday, December 04, 2009

A Few Quick Notes 376

-We had heavy rain for much of the day today. As I had to make the trip to school on foot this was not a particularly desirable weather condition. Fortunately by late this evening things started to calm down to the point that it now seems quite calm.

-While at the grocery store this evening I was seduced by the Horlick's and the Ovaltine Cookies, two products that I have consumed on a rather irregular basis for the past number of years. So far I can confirm that the very reasonably priced Ovaltine Cookies are definitely as good as I remember. I imagine that I will give the Horlick's a shot tomorrow and will then be able to tell you whether I still have a taste for it.

-This afternoon I had to swing by the hospital for an x-ray. The process was pretty quick and to the point, actually I think that they were using some kind of digital x-ray that really sped things up.

While waiting for my x-ray I was sitting in a gown and robe in the waiting room when a hospital employee walked into the room carrying a Christmas decoration. To no one in particular, but loud enough that we could all hear, he proclaimed that it was time to put up some decorations. He decided to put the decoration on the wall right next to the where I was sitting (not that this is a key detail).

Shortly after he reached the wall I heard something fall, followed by the employee stating in a rather exasperated tone "Oh poop, right in the garbage." It seems that he dropped a thumb tack in the garbage. He was then kind enough to point out that there was only one thing in the garbage can (an empty coffee cup), a level of fullness with which he felt comfortable digging around to find the pin.

After putting up one more decoration he left and I didn't seem him before I completed my visit to the x-ray department.

-I had to lead a review class today. Unfortunately, though not surprisingly, I wasn't really able to engage the students. I think that part of the problem was that it was the last class of the year and I hadn't taught them before.

-I had a rather unsuccessful trip to the grocery store this evening. Not only did I forget to even look for cream of tartar, they were out of the right kind of tofu and frozen raspberries, and I completely forgot to use the lone coupon I had with me. I guess this means that I will have to go back tomorrow.

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