Saturday, July 11, 2009

A Few Quick Note 333

-Finally, after a month of overcast weather, we have had a few days of nice weather. This change has been quite welcome and seems to have brought out the tourists, though this last part doesn't really make all that much sense. Anyway, if things keep going like this it may be possible for us to salvage summer.

-It seems that (Sir) Paul McCartney is performing/performed in Halifax this evening. Aside from this bringing in all kinds of tourist dollars and whatnot, it also means that the Commons will be out of commission for much of the rest of the summer (as the gear is staying in place for the Kiss show in a few weeks). The show also meant that the portion of the Commons that was supposed to be available for our Ultimate game last night was fenced in and inaccessible. This turn of events was rather frustrating, particularly as Halifax confirmed the field availability just days before.

As much as I was disappointed by the extra fencing, I can't say I was all that surprised, nor was it all bad. The game being cancelled meant that we were able to start our team barbecue a little earlier than expected. It was quite nice to spend a little while getting to know some of our teammates and just relaxing. Unfortunately, my cold seems to still be lingering so it wasn't quite as pleasant an event for me as it could have been.

-As we were returning from the aforementioned barbecue we drove past the aforementioned concert site. As we were passing the stage area we heard what we all thought was a pretty atrocious rendition of a Beatles song. Turns out what we heard was Paul McCartney doing his soundcheck. So I guess I can now claim to have heard at least one of the Beatles live, even if it was just for a few lines of a song (and given the quality, that was more than enough).

-As I just mentioned, I still have this summer cold. While I initially thought I caught it from Neil, I am now somewhat inclined to believe that it might be something different as we had a rather different array of symptoms. On the other hand, if it is the same cold I am in a position to feel pretty macho as I didn't need to make a visit to the doctor.

-Kirsten is set to arrive on Monday and I am getting ever more excited about her arrival. I am really looking forward to get a chance to just hang out with her, and maybe play a few games of something or other.

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