Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Few Quick Notes 336

-We had another beautiful day in Halifax. If I allowed myself to be a little picky I would point out that it was maybe a little hot and certainly a little humid, but as I am not allowing myself to take such a stance I won't make these complaints.

-Fortunately things cooled down a little by the time we had to play our Ultimate game. Much to my surprise, even after the McCartney and KISS shows the field was in relatively good shape (by Newfoundland standards). Unfortunately, while the field was a little better than I expected, our team was not. It seems we just didn't have it today. From almost the beginning of the game it was clear that we were unlikely to win. The only up-side of all of this was that the opposing team were a pleasure to play, even on fouls everything worked out wonderfully.

-A few days ago Neil and Rebecca took advantage of a movie rental deal and rented The Watchmen. There were two aspects of the viewing experience that I found particularly surprising. Firstly, I just couldn't wait for the movie to end. I really didn't care about any of the characters or the story, or how the whole thing resolved itself. Secondly, I couldn't believe how campy many of the special effects looked, particularly when others looked pretty good. The really cheesy looking blue guy just didn't do it for me. Also, I am pretty sure that I have finally come to the conclusion that I tend to actively dislike movies based on comic books, they just don't work for me (kind of like the materials they're based on). Of course this likely doesn't matter as those who feel similarly were likely wise enough to avoid the film and thus don't need my rushed opinion on the topic while those of tend to like comic book movies probably enjoyed the experience (but I guess this is likely everything else on this blog, here whether there is an audience or not).

Edit: I am pretty sure that I mean 'superhero stories' instead of 'comic books.'

-Due to a sale at one of the local grocery stores last week Neil and I have been eating quite a number of barbecued sausages these past few days. While it has been a generally pleasant experience so far, I imagine that by the time we finish our supply I will be fine without similar sausages for at least a few days, if not a few weeks.

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