Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The only ‘quiz’ I will ever complete

Are you sick and tired of the Facebook/social networking quizzes that require you to copy and paste them then remove all of the past respondent’s answers before adding all kinds of personal details about your life?

Yes, I thought so, they drive me nuts too.

I have decided to solve this by coming up with a very quick quiz that can simply be copied and pasted, there will be no need for you to remove the old answers and insert your own answers. Such a quiz will allow one to feel as though they are active participants in internet meme culture without having to go to the trouble normally associated with such participation.

No need to thank me, but I have just saved you upwards of five minutes.

Anyway, just copy and paste this text, post it as a note, and tag some number of your frenemies to encourage them to keep the quiz going. Presumably if this quiz isn’t kept alive and completed by millions there will be serious karmic consequences for you and the people you neglected to tag (this wouldn’t be of the genre if there weren’t some serious consequences associated with non-completion).

On to the quiz

1. Quadruped or biped?
Biped normally, quadruped only if I were to have too much of certain types of intoxicants (LOL!)

2. Air breather?
Every day, typically without even thinking about it

3. Multi-celled organism?
Since shortly after I was conceived

4. A liquid you can’t live without?
Water, or blood

5. What is the shortest, in terms of number of letters, English indefinite article that you know?

6. On which planet do you live?


Jess said...

Oh, so you ACTUALLY designed the thing? I thought you found it somewhere.

The only problem is that is that it does not cater to those of paraplegic or quadriplegic persuasions.

Cameron said...

I think that they are still bipeds, but the part about being intoxicated definitely doesn't work for those with such problems. Anyway, given that that was the joke part of the answer I won't worry about it too much.

Jess said...

Oh, fine then.

Cameron said...

I think my last comment was a little saucier than I intended, sorry.

Cameron said...
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