Friday, July 03, 2009

The Paris Police Gymnastics Team

Yesterday Neil and I went to see the Paris Police Gymnastics team perform at a free Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo show on Doyle Street. While the performance wasn't really what we expected, we were nonetheless quite impressed.

The routine consisted of two guys balancing a ladder on a trapeze and then performing tricks without allowing the ladder to become unbalanced.

We were planning on recording the performance before we knew what it was to be, but at the last moment we had technical difficulties so we weren't able to use the camera we wanted. Consequently, the quality of the video isn't as high as we would have liked. Anyway, below you should find a slightly abridged (to get us under the YouTube 10 minute maximum) video of the show. While you might not want to watch this from start to finish, it might be worth skimming through to catch a few of the highlights.

[Embedded video]

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