Monday, July 06, 2009

A Few Quick Notes 332

-While today was pretty overcast we didn't seem to have any precipitation, which was a nice change. Hopefully our several weeks of largely overcast weather will soon be coming to an end.

-I seem to have picked up Neil's cold, which brings my count for the season to two. I am not sure if there is any particular reason, but I don't think I have ever been sick so frequently as I have been in Halifax. It seems that every month or two since I have been here I have come down with a cold that has been with me for at least a week. Hopefully this isn't the way things go for the rest of my time here.

-Kirsten should be arriving in about a week. I am really looking forward to spending some time with her. I hope she knows what she wants to see as I can't really think of too many fun things to do in Halifax as a tourist.

-Yesterday I took a few more pictures of some of the plants. As you can see, the tomatoes are continuing to grow quite rapidly. I think there is something about removing suckers to encourage fruit growth, unfortunately, I don't know exactly what the suckers are, or when to remove them. I guess until I figure this out I will just let things go and continue to grow freely.

The beans, which have all grown since this photo was taken, are still some of the best performing of the plants. Though not visible in this photo, I am very pleased to report that the yellow bean plant to the right of the planter is finally showing some bloom, which I hope will lead to blooms.

None of the other plants, aside from the thyme, seem to be close to producing anything edible. I was really hoping that by mid-July we would have some production, but it looks as though that is not likely to happen (aside from some thyme and a few yellow beans).

-We had another Ultimate game yesterday. We managed to pull out a win, though I can't say that I contributed all that much. Unfortunately, the field, which was the same one we have played all of our games on, was still rather wet and muddy. I think the moisture lead to a increased number of dropped passes. It seems that we are trying to schedule a make-up game for Friday, though I don't know if this has yet been confirmed.

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