Wednesday, July 01, 2009

A Few Quick Notes 331

-While today started off rather overcast and moist, things have gotten a little brighter and drier. Though things are heading in the right direction I am not sure that they will go far enough for me to say that today has been a 'nice' day. This grey stuff is really getting, it seems as though it has been the better part of three weeks, at least.

-The somewhat poor weather caused us to lose another Ultimate game on Sunday. This means that we have lost games due to weather two weeks in a row. Hopefully we get to play our game this Sunday.

-On Saturday Neil and I attended a furniture auction in the local curling club. While neither of us purchased anything, I do think that we both learned a fair bit about the way auctions work. I also think that we would both be willing to go to auction in the future, as there is definitely the potential for the all mighty deal.

-In an earlier post I mentioned that today is Canada Day, what I didn't mention is that today in Memorial Day in Newfoundland. It seems a rather unfortunate coincidence that these two events ended up on the same day.

-My plants haven't been growing at particularly spectacular rates these past few days, but I thought I might include a photo or two to show some of the growth that has taken place.

The continuing upward growth of the tomatoes really surprises me. I assumed that at some point the fact that they are in a relatively small pot would have prevented their continued growth.

The other good news on the tomato front is that at least one plant has something that looks as though it might turn into a bloom in the relatively near future. Most of the other plants have things that look as though they will eventually reach this stage, though the development of these pre-blooms has been slow.

The thunbergia finally seem to be showing some signs of relatively fast growth. I hope that they make to a somewhat substantial size before the summer completely fades away.

The plants whose growth continues to impress me the most are the scarlet runner beans in the planter. One plant in particular seems to be doing quite well, sometimes growing several inches a day. Many of the other plants that are now next to the planter also seem to be doing relatively well, especially considering that they haven't really had much sun in the past few weeks.

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