Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Few Quick Notes 326

-We had another beautiful, if cool, day today. Strangely, even though the sun appears to be out in full force the temperatures seem to peak at about 20 (or just below), which is fine, but not as warm as I would expect given how the day looks.

-Neil and I attended a frisbee practice this evening. Unfortunately, only four members of our team made it, so it wasn't really much of a practice. While the practice side of things was lacking, it was quite nice to be outside and active for a portion of the evening.

-In the second Asian grocery store I visited today I was able to buy a few mung beans with which I am hoping to grow beans sprouts. I ended up buying all of the beans the store had available for a whopping 30 cents.

At the moment the beans are soaking in water in my closet. I guess if all goes according to plan I should have fresh bean sprouts in about 3 days, though I think that is somewhat optimistic.

-I came across an article in the Guardian today that put me on to the fact that the British Library has scanned all kinds of 19th century newspapers, some of which can be viewed for free, while others are available for a small cost. If you are interested, check it out here.

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