Saturday, June 27, 2009

The merging of two dreams?

As I have been writing about for months, it seems that our apartment has a bit of a spider mite problem (though things might be under control at the moment). So far most of the approaches I have tried have failed and meant that I have had to get rid of quite a number of plants. Anyway, the result of this situation that returning to a spider mite free condition is a bit of a dream of mine. Such a condition would allow me to grow all kinds of plants indoors and maybe acquire a few more that seem interesting (coffee tree, hops vines, and a hibiscus). Until the apartment is clean I really can't consider adding any fancy plants to the environment.

At least that is what I thought until a little earlier this evening.

While looking through a Richter's seed catalogue earlier this evening I ended up coming to the tobacco seed section. As I have been interested in growing my own tobacco since at least junior high I thought I would look at the blurbs to see what they said and to see whether or not the seeds would be economically feasible. It turns out that not only are the seeds economically feasible, but that wild tobacco "is a source of nicotine sulfate, an insecticide for the control of aphids, thrips, whiteflies and mites."

It sounds as though this may be one of the few plants that might be of use to me in my battle against the spider mites.

If you are wondering, it seems that growing tobacco in a personal garden is viable but the curing and aging processes are very difficult without the proper facilities. So while I may be able to grow tobacco plants, don't expect me to start trying to sell any on the side.

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