Saturday, June 20, 2009

A Few Quick Notes 328

-Though much of today was somewhat overcast it was generally pleasant. The rain I expected to start at any time held off, though it may have lead to things being a little more humid that they would have been otherwise.

-I managed to get around to moving all of the plants from my windowsill. The area has now been cleaned and the plants sprayed with miticide. I also sprayed a few of the other plants that had been in my room. Over the next day or two I am hoping to spray most of the other house plants and completing a wash of one of the plant stands in the living room. Hopefully this more aggressive approach will be enough to take care of the spider mite problem for good (though I am hesitant to put too much hope in any of these solutions).

-I had roast potatoes and barbecued steaklets (small steaks) for dinner tonight. I really enjoyed the meal.

-This evening a friend came over and we played a few games of Monopoly Deal, a card game Neil purchased yesterday night while we were at the mall. Though the game allows for rather drastic swings from time to time, it was an overall pleasant experience and much faster than regular Monopoly. I think that we would all give it a thumbs up as a relatively relaxed multi-player game.

-Recently I have been talking about trying to grow some bean sprouts. At the moment I am in the midst of my first batch. So far things are going well. The only problem I have encountered so far is that the container I started with wasn't big enough so I had to move the operation to a larger container this evening. I am a little worried that this new container also won't be larger enough. Hopefully I will have a few pictures to post in a few days time, or whenever it is that I decide to harvest the sprouts.

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