Friday, October 10, 2008

Friendly neighbourhood spider

A few weeks ago Rebecca and Neil noticed that a spider had taken up residence in our balcony area. Since its arrival the spider has had to build a number of webs, such as the one shown in this picture. What is particularly impressive is how quickly the spider is able to reproduce a web once the previous web is destroyed, and that the spider somehow manages to survive the various forms of web-destruction that beset it and have the will/energy to continue re-building.

I think that all of us are curious to see how long the spider will be in this location and what happens when the colder temperatures start to set in. Also, I can't imagine that the blowing leaves of fall will be particularly beneficial to the web, and seeing as it is in a debris friendly area I imagine that this will be a problem that the spider will have to encounter sooner rather than later.

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