Monday, October 06, 2008

Watson finished 3rd in EPT £1 Million Showdown

Shortly we went out for dinner Michael Watson was eliminated from the EPT £1 Million Showdown. His third place finish should be good for about £241 000 (about $460 000 CDN).

For those of you that care, the live video feed of the event was pretty good, certainly better than getting text based updates minutes after the action. Furthermore, the commentators were seemingly pretty competent and made more complimentary comments about the online players than many other poker commentators that I have seen.


Unknown said...

As I was reading the posts, it went from "Watson finished third" to "Watson at final table". I think the whole suspense thing was missed by your blog's arrangements of posts.

Cameron said...

If you had been following our updates as they were being posted they might have been suspense inducing rather than wrecking (though I don't really know why you would have been following our blog for updates when much more detailed information was readily available).