Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Few Quick Notes 355

-Today (Thursday) was another pretty nice day, though definitely on the crisp side of things. The unfortunate weather news for the region is that we have our first frost warning of the season. I am hoping that this warning is really more for more inland areas than where I live, but I guess I might have to wait and see to learn whether this is really the case or not.

-I just baked a batch of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies so that I will have something to snack on in the coming days. Tomorrow morning it seems likely that I will have to back a batch of bread so that I will have breakfast food for the coming days.

-I don't know what it is about me, but I can't seem to scale main dishes particularly accurately. For instance, the stir-fry that I made for dinner tonight was huge, I couldn't even fit it all in our largest serving bowl. As I was chopping vegetables, which is where the problem likely lies, I felt that I was only preparing reasonable portions of each vegetable. Two cups of celery seemed totally reasonable. I guess that the fact that in total I added over 10 cups of vegetables was probably most of the problem lay. I presume another part of the 'problem,' if we want to call it that, is that I really don't mind leftovers, so I probably allow myself a little more lee-way than I might if I absolutely despised leftovers.

-For the past few weeks we have been experiencing some strange traffic patterns on the blog. All of a sudden we have seemingly doubled our daily readership (from about 5 to about 10). Though I don't really know why this has happened, I do think that some of it can be attributed to the traffic that has been coming our way from the Google Voice Blog because I have linked to a few of their posts recently. Presumably the 30 or 40 people they have sent our way wouldn't mean much to most blogs, in our case it has been quite dramatic (though I am not sure that this really means anything in the long run).

-Earlier today I made my way to the grocery store. I imagine that I surprised the cashier with my purchases.

Carrots are hard to pass up when they are less than $4.00 for 10 pounds, so hard to pass up that I had to buy two bags.

1 comment:

Donald McKay said...

I bought 10 lbs of carrots for $3.97 at Dominion. Like father, like son.