Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Master Blaster

As I have previously mentioned on Montifax, for many years I have suffered from kidney stones and the associated ailments and discomforts. A few weeks ago I finally got around to thinking about actually getting them taken care of. Amazingly, within only a few days I was able to make remarkable progress on the issue, which was nice in the face of years of procrastination.

Yesterday morning I had to get up at 5:50 and then make my way over to the local hospital for 6:45. After a few preliminary interviews and name confirmations, I eventually made my way to the lithotripsy room. Almost as soon as I walked into the room the team of staff started prepping me for the experience. Before I knew it was I was in place on the table, covered in sensors, breathing with a thing in my nose, and moderately drugged.

I found it was over when they woke me up some period of time later. Within moments I was unhooked from everything and moved to a gurney to be taken to the recovery room, where I was served coffee and cookies with I waited for the drugs to wear off.

After maybe 45 minutes after the procedure ended I was in a cab with Neil heading home. Not too longer after that I had to head out again to run some errands for a few hours. Amazingly, I felt great within next to no time, though by the end of the day I was definitely starting to feel a little tired and rundown (though I think that this had more to do with the lack of sleep than anything else).

Of course, the most important part of all of this, rather than the coffee and cookies, is that I have already started passing stone debris. Some of the reading I have been doing suggests that this might continue to occur over the next several days, so the procedure has given me something to remember it by.

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