Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Few Quick Notes 358

-My recollection is that today (Saturday) was pretty nice, though I think that there may have been at least a few overcast periods. I am a little less certain of today's weather conditions than normal as I haven't really spent much time outside today and my desk window is now relatively obstructed by my plants.

-For dinner tonight we had a some chicken noodle soup that I made. The broth was based on some chicken breast bones that I boiled while I was making dinner yesterday. We also had some nice rolls that Neil and Rebecca purchased this afternoon. While I don't normally consume bread products with my meals, these really complemented the soup nicely.

-I have quite a bit of reading to do this week, and every week until the end of the term. Though I haven't done as much reading as I might have hoped today, I have managed to put at least some time in. Though not exactly reading, I also managed to put some time in to locate a few articles and then print these articles.

-This afternoon I spent about an hour, or maybe a little more, catching up on some filing that I had allowed to accumulate over the summer as I worked on my thesis. Not only are things organized again, but I have managed to eliminate a few stacks of paper that had been on my bedroom floor for a few months. Sadly, I am almost out of room in my two-drawer filing cabinet. I think that it is quite likely that I might have to buy another one in the not too distant future.

-For the past few months there have been a number of incidents in the South End of women waking up to find a man watching them while they sleep, not surprisingly this individual has been referred to as a 'night watcher.' Shortly after a police sketch was issued a few days ago an arrest was made and a general sigh of relief breathed by residents of the South End. It now seems that the suspect has been released, presumably putting us back to square one in terms of night watcher issues in the South End.

-For some reason, a recent announcement that in Nova Scotia schools will have to play the national anthem every day really upset me. Though I can't quite articulate why this frustrates me, I think part of it is that such a scheme just seems hokey and low-class (kind of like plastering images of a country's leader on street corners). Maybe part of the issue I have with this policy is that the whole thing seems to really skirt the real issue, which is encouraging some sense of national pride among Canadian/Nova Scotian students. If this is the goal it seems to me that it would be more appropriate to teach students why such pride is merited rather than just try to get them to learn the words to the national anthem. Furthermore, such a program, by associating the national anthem with the start of the school day, could have the opposite effect and actually cause students to associate the national anthem with something that is almost universally understood to be unpleasant, the start of the school day. Anyway, if I can figure out what I really find frustrating about this decision I will try to let you know.

-As I believe I mentioned recently, a number of the pepper plants are now bearing fruit. At the moment the peppers are purple, though they are supposed to turn red when they are ripe, which seems like a helpful indicator. The downside is that we are likely to end up with more hot peppers than we need in a few weeks instead of getting a more tapered ripening period.

-I think that I also mentioned that one of the tomatoes is showing signs of redness. I guess it will still be another few weeks before it ripens.

-The plants in my bedroom window are really starting to obstruct my view. Each day the tobacco leaves grow larger and more numerous, working their way towards completely obstructing my view. If things keep going like this I will no longer be able to see whether my neighbour is still taking her dog to defecate on the grass in front of my window.

(Edit: In the two days since this photo was taken some of the tobacco plants have grown a number of inches. The tallest of the plants is now just a little taller than the middle tier of the hanging plant shelf.)

-There is a rather noisy party that has been going on for some time on a property not to far from my apartment. While I normally don't mind a little light partying, this has been going on for some time and is definitely distracting me from my studies (hence the blogging). Though they are showing no signs of quieting down, I really do hope that it ends sooner rather than later.


Kathy said...

You could dry the hot peppers for later use.

Cameron said...

Yes, I will have to try and keep that in mind.

I fear I may have a shortage of drying space once my tobacco crop reaches maturity.