Tuesday, September 30, 2008

That's Numberwang

Yesterday, while doing something or other on the internet, I came across the following video. As I was watching this clip I remembered that I had heard an interview on The Sound of Young America with one of the creator's of the show on which this first appeared, That Mitchell and Webb Look. Neil, Rebeecca, and I all enjoyed people rack up Numberwang after Numberwang.

[Embedded Video]

Also, it turns out that you can play Numberwang online, if you are so inclined. During my attempt I didn't get a single Numberwang, though I think I was close a few times.


Neil said...

I don't know what your problem is. I got numberwang on my first try. Maybe you're just not too good with numbers.

Cameron said...

Maybe I just need to work on my Numberwang strategy.